Although it seems I am also (disturbingly) 72% Wonder Woman and 72% Supergirl...
Your results:
You are Superman
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. |
Take the Superhero Personality Test
Although it seems I am also (disturbingly) 72% Wonder Woman and 72% Supergirl...
Your results:
You are Superman
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. |
Posted by Unknown at Saturday, December 30, 2006 1 comments
Oooh, they grow up so fast!
Labels: im, instant messaging, jiim
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, December 20, 2006 0 comments
I really dig Seth's idea for a centralized Captcha server everyone could use for free. His monetization suggestion of "Type the brand you see above, please" has lots of potential in its simplicity.
There could be conflict of interests, like being shown a NetSuite's ad whilst signing up for a Salesforce service.
Very juicy and thought-provoking, in typical Seth fashion.
Update: it didn't take too long to see this one implemented: cool, online demo here.
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, December 20, 2006 6 comments
Video is also available on Transbuddha.
Labels: japan, japanese, music, video
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, October 17, 2006 0 comments
By Jeff Han at the NYU Media Research Lab
Update March 2007: A year later
Posted by Unknown at Thursday, September 14, 2006 0 comments
Bodies are like diskettes with tags. You click on to them and you can see the size and type of file immediately. On people, this labeling occurs on the face.
Posted by Unknown at Monday, September 04, 2006 0 comments
The perfect 'epilogue' for The Design Of Everyday Things
Posted by Unknown at Saturday, September 02, 2006 0 comments
TestNG is a flexible testing framework developed by Cédric Beust and Alexandru Popescu. It is a much more powerful alternative to JUnit that fixes and improves many of its shortcomings.
In this introductory guide I will show how to setup and integrate TestNG with IDEA, hoping to highlight specific gems of TestNG in the process.
TestNG at a Glance
Here's a short list of my favorite features:
IDEA Setup
Figure 1 - Download and install the TestNG plug-in for IDEA [click on image to enlarge]
Figure 2 - Module Settings of project [click on image to enlarge]
Figure 3 - Add TestNG jar to project's classpath [click on image to enlarge]
This completes the integration of the testing library with IDEA, and we are now ready to write and test some code.
Exploring the Next Generation of Testing
Simply put, a TestNG unit test class is a POJO with annotated methods. There is no requirement to extend a specific class or implement a specific interface, just tag methods with Java annotations. A very simple Test class looks like this:
package testng.basic;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class FirstTest {
public FirstTest() {
public void isOneEqualsTwo(){
assert(1 == 2);
I wrote a simple Java class and will use it to illustrate some key features of TestNG, namely the ability to specify individual method thread pools, the ability to specify certain test methods as dependent on the successful completion of others, and the seamless integration with IDEA.
Create a new class named ThreadUnsafe on IDEA and copy and paste the code below:
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class ThreadUnsafe {
private static int[] accounts = new int[] {0, 0};
private static int MAX = 1000;
@Test(threadPoolSize = 1000, invocationCount = 1000, timeOut = 2000)
public void swap(){
int amount = (int) (MAX * Math.random());
accounts[1] += amount;
accounts[0] -= amount;
System.out.println("Account[0]: " + accounts[0]);
System.out.println("Account[1]: " + accounts[1]);
int balance = checkBalance();
assert(balance == 0);
public int checkBalance(){
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++){
sum += accounts[i];
System.out.println("Balance : " + sum);
return sum;
public static void main(String[] args){
ThreadUnsafe tu = new ThreadUnsafe();
ThreadUnsafe is a very simple class that swaps random values from one account to another, ensuring the balance remains zero. That is, when we add an amount to one of the accounts, we subtract the same amount from the other.
Compile and run the code. It should exit printing Balance : 0.
Specifying thread pools
The only different and interesting thing on the code above is the annotation @Test on method swap():@Test(threadPoolSize = 1000, invocationCount = 1000, timeOut = 2000)
This annotation is saying "give me a pool of 1000 threads, invoke this 1000 times, and exit if an invocation takes longer than 2000 milliseconds to return".
If a method takes longer than the specified timeout, TestNG will interrupt the method and mark it as unsuccessful.
To debug this sample project select the TestNG tab from the Debug panel. From there we can specify the desired granularity of the test, which can range from the swap() method to the whole package. I chose to test the ThreadUnsafe class itself.
Figure 4 - Debug granularity of TestNG [click on image to enlarge]
The output of running the project in debug mode can be seen below (values will vary):
Figure 5 - TestNG output [click on image to enlarge]
On the output console shown above we can see that after a few successful runs the value of Balance is 0 as expected. However, later on some weird values start showing up. Thus, multiple threads interfered with each other and the test shows the code to be thread unsafe.
This brute force thread safety testing can be useful to confirm a bug report due to improper synchronization, though it can be tricky to come up with a representative number of threads and repetitions.
Specifying method dependencies
The ability to specify certain test methods as dependent on the successful completion of others is a very useful feature. Let's move the initialization into a method of its own. Note changes on the accounts variable declaration and init() method.
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class ThreadUnsafe {
private static int[] accounts;
private static int MAX = 1000;
public void init() {
accounts = new int[]{0, 0};
@Test(threadPoolSize = 1000, invocationCount = 1000, timeOut = 2000)
public void swap(){
int amount = (int) (MAX * Math.random());
accounts[1] += amount;
accounts[0] -= amount;
System.out.println("Account[0]: " + accounts[0]);
System.out.println("Account[1]: " + accounts[1]);
int balance = checkBalance();
assert(balance == 0);
public int checkBalance(){
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++){
sum += accounts[i];
System.out.println("Balance : " + sum);
return sum;
public static void main(String[] args){
ThreadUnsafe tu = new ThreadUnsafe();
The difference from the previous code is that initialization is now done on the init() method, which is itself a @Test annotated method that will be included in the testing report.
Now running the code in Debug TestNG mode results in an error because the array accounts used by the swap() method has not been initialized.
Figure 6 - NullPointerException caused by non-initialized dependency [click on image to enlarge]
What we want here is the ability to tell that a certain test method, swap(), depends on the successful completion of a previous test method, init().
We want to guarantee that certain methods or groups of methods are always invoked before others.
TestNG let's us do that with the dependsOnMethods annotation.
To specify swap() as being dependent on the successful execution of init(), we use the dependsOnMethods annotation as shown below:
@Test(dependsOnMethods = {"init"}, threadPoolSize = 1000, invocationCount = 1000, timeOut = 2000)
public void swap() {
Running the code in debug TestNG mode now results in a successful execution:
Figure 7 - Method dependency with TestNG [click on image to enlarge]
For unreliable systems TestNG introduces the notion of partial failure:@Test(timeOut = 10000, invocationCount = 1000, successPercentage = 98)
public void waitForAnswer() {
while (!success){
The example above instructs TestNG to invoke the method a thousand times, but to consider the overall test passed even if only 98% of them succeed.
All the above are simple yet very powerful examples that are either very hard or impossible to do with JUnit.
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1 comments
I'm on the prowl for new gadgets (smart-phone, wide-screen TV, games console), and I think a market like Digg for consumer electronics would help prune the search space.
With the number and combination of brands, specs, makers, designs, features, personal preferences and whatnot involved, such an application would tap into the wisdom of crowds and transform many diverse opinions into a single collective judgement.
This is the central thesis of the Wisdom of Crowds:
"With most things, the average is mediocrity. With decision making, it's often
excellence. We've been programmed to be collectively smart".
"The best I can tell you is Digg as a concept can be applied to other content aside from news. Just wait and see what we’re going to apply it to."
"Now you can clash and compare your best consumer products for low price offers.
Product Clash features cheap cameras, cheap cell phones, cheap computers, cool
gadgets, cheap home entertainment, cheap peripherals and portable media
comparison clashes! Clashing is fun for movies, music, games and DVDs."
Labels: digg, folksonomy, shopping
Posted by Unknown at Thursday, August 17, 2006 0 comments
I agree 100% with these arguments, being an active but often frustrated OO user for over 5 years.
Decoupling the document from the vendor suite (with the Open Document format) was a tremendous achievement, but the road ahead for OO does not look so promising:
Posted by Unknown at Thursday, August 17, 2006 0 comments
Here are a few useful Python tips I’ve learned over time.
1. When using the '%' format operator always put a tuple or a dictionary on the right hand side.
Instead of:
print "output %s" % stuff
print "output %s" % (stuff,)
With the tuple on the right hand side, if stuff is itself a tuple with more than one element we'll still get its representation instead of an error.
>>> def output(arg):
print "output %s" % arg
>>> output("one item")
output one item
>>> output(('single tuple',))
output single tuple
>>> output(('tuple','multiple','items'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
File "
print "output %s" % arg
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
Now, if the function output is changed to:
>>> def output(arg):
print "output %s" % (arg,)
>>> output(('tuple','multiple','items'))
output ('tuple', 'multiple', 'items')
It will always work as intended and expected.
2. Use the built-in timer function proactively and aggressively to avoid "premature pessimization".
Python has a very useful built-in timing framework, the timeit module, which can be used interactively to time the execution of short pieces of code.
Suppose we want to find out if a hypothetical word_count implementation is faster using the split() method or using a loop.
We'd like to implement each variant, call each implementation many times, repeat the entire test a few times, and select the one that took the least time. to the rescue. Let's test the implementation using split() first.
>>> import timeit
>>> def word_count():
s = "long string with several words to be counted "
return len(s.split())
>>> word_count()
>>> t = timeit.Timer(setup ='from __main__ import word_count', stmt='word_count()')
>>> t.repeat(3, 1000000)
[4.6016188913206406, 4.5184541602204717, 4.5227482723247476]
And now let's test a loop variant.
>>> def word_count():
s = "long string with several words to be counted "
return len([c for c in s if c.isspace()])
>>> word_count()
>>> t = timeit.Timer(setup ='from __main__ import word_count', stmt='word_count()')
>>> t.repeat(3, 1000000)
[17.766925246011169, 17.784756763845962, 17.890987803859275]
We have our informed answer right there and then.
The first argument of repeat() is the number of times to repeat the entire test, and the second argument is the number of times to execute the timed statement per test.
You can even select the best out of X runs (3 on this example) by using the min function
>>> min(t.repeat(3, 1000000))
We can try and compare other implementations such as a loop without the (expensive) call to isspace().
>>> def word_count():
s = "long string with several words to be counted "
return len([c for c in s if c == ' '])
>>> word_count()
>>> t = timeit.Timer(setup ='from __main__ import word_count', stmt='word_count()')
>>> t.repeat(3, 1000000)
[8.8144601897920438, 8.7707542444240971, 8.7721205513323639]
Which proves faster than our second implementation but still slower than calling split().
Instead of repeat() we can call timeit(), which calls the function 1 million times and returns the number of seconds it took to do it.
3. Don't traverse to append, extend instead.
Don't do:
>>> def bad_append():
l1 = ["long","string","with","long"]
l2 = ["elements","and","words","to","be","counted","or","words"]
for item in l2:
>>> t = timeit.Timer(setup ='from __main__ import bad_append', stmt='bad_append()')
>>> min(t.repeat(3, 1000000))
Do instead:
>>> def good_append():
l1 = ["long","string","with","long"]
l2 = ["elements","and","words","to","be","counted","or","words"]
>>> t = timeit.Timer(setup ='from __main__ import good_append', stmt='good_append()')
>>> min(t.repeat(3, 1000000))
Calling extend() results in an almost 60% performance gain.
4. Beware of doing string concatenation using '+'.
Let's see why with "no fluff just stuff" by applying golden rule 2 above.
>>> def bad_concat():
s = ""
l = ["items", "to", "append"]
for sub in l:
s += sub
>>> t = timeit.Timer(setup ='from __main__ import bad_concat', stmt='bad_concat()')
>>> min(t.repeat(3, 1000000))
>>> def good_concat():
s = ""
l = ["items", "to","append"]
s = "".join(l)
>>> t = timeit.Timer(setup ='from __main__ import good_concat', stmt='good_concat()')
>>> min(t.repeat(3, 1000000))
Needless to say all this adds up if these operations are done repeatedly and with bigger lists.
Also avoid:
out = "output: " + output + ", message: " + message + ", param: " + param
Instead, use:
out = "output: %s, message: %s, param: %s" % (output, message ,param, )
Which neatly combines rules 1 and 4.
5. Environment settings and variables are available cross-platform.
This is a very handy feature. Take a close look at os.path.expanduser() and os.environ on Linux and Windows.
>>> import os
>>> os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'))
>>> import os
>>> os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'))
Useful Online Resources
The Python Coding Conventions
Python Performance Tips
Patterns in Python
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python
The Python Tutor Mailing List
My Python links on
Posted by Unknown at Friday, July 21, 2006 1 comments
Shown tonight, during the opening of Superman Returns
More here.
Posted by Unknown at Saturday, July 15, 2006 0 comments
I had a Malay housemate called Kamarun Kamarundil (he would, when introduced, always give the shorter version Nick).
I have a Thai friend called Kamontip Sapphawaht.
I absolutely love their names, and can already see the trailer for a Hollywood romantic blockbuster titled When Kamarun Kamarundil met Kamontip Sapphawaht...
Posted by Unknown at Sunday, June 18, 2006 0 comments
On a letter dated November 2005 that I only had access to yesterday, I found out that my thesis was awarded the "John Long Prize for best research thesis"!
Thank you very much to all those mentioned in my acknowledgments section (and maybe a few others who were sadly forgotten)
If there is any cash involved a promise will be made right here and now to spend (some of) it well and wisely on a nice open BBQ with free drinks for all!
(sadly, no cash prize = no free BBQ+drinks for all)
Now ain't I a happy, lucky chap...
Labels: jiim, research, thesis, ucl
Posted by Unknown at Monday, June 12, 2006 1 comments
Things I am missing from
Posted by Unknown at Monday, May 01, 2006 1 comments
There is a group of blogs that I check once daily, labelled "important" on my Bloglines blogroll. When new blogs are promoted to this "elite" group other blogs are demoted to the "Quarentine" one. (helpful taxonomy inspired by this, this, and David Allen's Getting Things Done)
Below are 5 blogs of "elite quality" that I'm really enjoying reading.
All Kinds Of Stuff
John Kricfalusi is no other than the creator of the Ren and Stimpy tv series. With these credentials he didn't need much more to convince me, but you know what, his blog is very refreshing and inundated with precious teachings.
Let The Good Times Roll
Here's how to suck up to a blogger: when I grow up I'd love to be as charismatic, inspirational, charming, and overflowing with wisdom as Guy Kawasaki.
Fred talks from the Venture Capital world in ways that I can understand.
This is how the blogosphere works: Up until Joel mentioned them, I never thought I'd be interested in reading about the aviation industry. Now I can't stop.
Epsilon-Delta: Mathematics and Computer Programming
Yes, I like mathematics and I yes, maybe I can't stay too far away from computer programming. But I'll be damned if Ted Dziuba isn't a talented writer, able to make these two "scary-for-most-people" subjects attractive.
Runners up: The Dilbert Blog, Funny Cute, Post Secret, Tom Peter's Weblog, Niniane's blog
Related posts:
2005 In Retrospect: Technology
2005 In Retrospect: Music
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 05, 2006 1 comments
I have been following Dav Yaginuma's blog, AkuAku, for a few years now. It is undeniable that he is a proper hacker and coder extraordinaire. To me, he also comes across as an inspirational, passionate, creative, dedicated, and humane individual. In this post, he introduced me to Kiva, a site where people can loan money to small business in developing countries. I like the empowering idea of a loan free of middle man, so I too have opened an account and donated.
Cheers Dav.
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 05, 2006 0 comments
Despite its evident flaws (and the fact that my feminine side is highly exacerbated by their algorithm), I really like MyHeritage.
I uploaded Sunday's pictures to find out a bit more about my friends. It turns out they have a lot to explain...
Deanna's real name is Maggie Cheung, Jia and Zhang Ziyi have never been seen together in the same place (raising suspicions they're one and the same), Peter is a Nicolas Cage clone, and Rachel and Alyson Hannigan are twins separated at birth. [Click on the images to enlarge]
Jang Nara is no one but Rachel in disguise, Willo's part-time-job-we-were-never-allowed-to-know-about is modelling as Song Hye-Kyo, and my good friend Bo goes undercover as the philosopher John Dewey.
Sadly, the system didn't pick up my face :(
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, April 04, 2006 0 comments
Dinner at my place: not enough plates, wine glasses, chairs, and cutlery (!), but still good fun. Great to see everybody and catch up with what they're doing.
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, April 04, 2006 0 comments
It seems David Allen
Even as late as the 1980s many professionals considered having a pocket Day-Timer the essence of being organized, and many people today think of their calendar as the central tool for being in control.
What you've probably discovered, at least at some level, is that a calendar, though important, can really effectively manage only a small portion of what you need to organize.
The real issue is how we manage actions.
[from Getting Things Done]
You = Your calendar.
Posted by Unknown at Thursday, March 23, 2006 0 comments
I find this one quite evil. If the chosen video "is not playable in my country", it shouldn't have been made available to me in the first place. Out of sight out of mind, right?
About Face 2.0 has something to say too:Considerate software uses common sense
This one is a fundamental problem with navigation implementations using HTML frames. As you progress on the list and select an item after scrolling down, the scrollbar returns to the beginning of the list every time a refresh occurs. Thus, we're constantly scrolling up and down the list to go through all items. My favorite web aggregator, Bloglines, suffers from the same (quite annoying) problem.
Of course, there is an About Face 2.0 quote applicable:
Considerate software is perceptive
Software should watch our preferences and remember them without being explicitly asked to do so. If we always maximize an application to use the entire screen, the application should get the idea after a few sessions and always launch in that configuration. The same goes for placement of palettes, default tools, frequently used templates, and other useful settings.
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, March 22, 2006 0 comments
Considerate software is self-confident
Are you sure? Are you really sure? Are you really, really sure?
Considerate software doesn't burden you with its personal problems
Software whines at us with error messages, interrupts us with confirmation dialog boxes, and brags to us with unnecessary notifications. We aren't interested in the program's crisis of confidence about whether or not to purge its recycle bin. We don't want to hear its whining about not being sure where to put a file on disk. We don't need to see information about the computer's data transfer rates and its loading sequence, any more than we need information about the customer service agent's unhappy love affair.
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, March 22, 2006 0 comments
Note to self:
StringTokenizer is deprecated. Should use the split() method of the String class instead. Split() is faster and returns an array of tokens ready to be used.
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, March 21, 2006 0 comments
I know, The Daily WTF does a great job at doing this, but I really liked these error messages I was presented with recently.
Writely showed me this very funny pop-up dialog box:
Windows Movie Maker annoyed me with this one:
I'll make mine the words of Alan Cooper on About Face 2.0:
Considerate software is conscientious
If we rely on a word processor to draft a new MicroBlitz Contract and then try to [save it in the same folder as an existing, but older, MicroBlitz Contract], the program offers the choice of either overwriting and destroying the old contract or not saving it at all. The program not only isn't as capable as [a human assistant who saw
the name conflict and appropriately renamed the contracts], it isn't even as capable as [a human assistant who put the two contracts in the same folder]. It is stupider than a complete idiot. The software is dumb enough to make an assumption that because they have the same name, I meant to throw the old one away.
Posted by Unknown at Monday, March 13, 2006 0 comments
You scored 70-89%!
Guy Kawasaki's Entrepreneurial IQ Test
Brought to you by Tickle
Posted by Unknown at Friday, March 10, 2006 0 comments
You Passed 8th Grade Math |
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! |
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 1 comments
These are the top 5 'technologies' that impressed me and/or saved my butt last year:
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, February 22, 2006 0 comments
I found out about Tomcat 5's built-in HTTP/1.1 GZip compression on this comment. This feature is off by default.
Having this feature off by default causes confusion and encourages people to reinvent the wheel, multiple times, with different flavors.
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, February 21, 2006 0 comments
The face recognition algorithm of MyHeritage matches this photo of mine (age 6?) with these celebrities [click on photo to enlarge]:
Yes, some are a bit disturbing, like John Woo?? Try yours at MyHeritage
Posted by Unknown at Saturday, February 18, 2006 0 comments
Posted by Unknown at Saturday, February 18, 2006 0 comments
Cool (and not so cool) things about mag.nolia:
Posted by Unknown at Thursday, February 16, 2006 0 comments
ZeFrank has done it again. The 1/4 mile longcar bit kills me...
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, February 14, 2006 0 comments
The last one of my previous series of posts on Python addresses the issue of shipping Python applications.
Simply put, if I ask people to help my research by using an application that I developed, I do not want to force them to:
Posted by Unknown at Monday, February 06, 2006 0 comments
Logging and tracing are separate concerns of an application (except for applications where this is an explicitly specified requirement). Thus, I was becoming increasingly annoyed with the
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
if (condition){
log("Doing X")
do X
log("Doing Y")
do Y
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
public class MethodExecutionTimeInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable {"intercepted method '" + methodInvocation.getMethod().getDeclaringClass() + "::" + methodInvocation.getMethod().getName() + "'");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
Object retVal = methodInvocation.proceed();
return retVal;
} finally {"method duration '" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "' msecs");"resuming method '" + methodInvocation.getMethod().getDeclaringClass() + "::" + methodInvocation.getMethod().getName() + "'");
Labels: aop, programming
Posted by Unknown at Friday, February 03, 2006 0 comments
Here are the top 5 albums that were on heavy rotation on my iPod:
Posted by Unknown at Thursday, February 02, 2006 0 comments
In a previous post I referenced a few user-friendly, WYSIWYG editors for the Web. The good people at compiled an extensive list with (all?) open-source and commercial WYSIWYG products in the market.
Nice one, thanks.
Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1 comments
Phew. I'm not a big war games fan but this trailer for Killzone blew me away!
Posted by Unknown at Sunday, January 29, 2006 1 comments
Venkman Javascript Debugger - Yes, farewell 'alert' messages!
Javascript Minifier - JavaScript compression for faster loading.
Javascript Verifier - Lookout for potential problems in the code (syntax, unused variables, ...).
IE Developer Toolbar - For IE development. Not as refined as the Firefox Developer Extension but better than nothing.
Posted by Unknown at Sunday, January 29, 2006 0 comments
Following this earlier post, I'm now looking for software 'gems' that I may have missed in 2005. I've already found a few candidates, courtesy of the good people at Sitepoint, that I will use and test in the next few months. Who knows, maybe they will make my list at the end of 2006.
And the candidates are:
MWSnap, though not sure if I'll replace Cropper anytime soon
Fiddler, an HTTP traffic inspector
SnagIt, hmmmm maybe I'll replace Cropper after all...
To be updated as I find more of them gems.
Posted by Unknown at Monday, January 23, 2006 0 comments
This comes in handy if the SMTP server isn't an open relay, or when traveling and accessing the Web via different ISPs.
Just configure the SMTP server (Free SMTP is free) with the DNS field set to one of the IP addresses below.
Public (Level3) Name servers (these are OC192's) (fast) (fast)
Open to the Public
# (New Orleans, LA, US) -
# (Phoenix, AZ, US) -
# (San Francisco, CA, US) - (fast)
# (Longmont, CO, US) -
SpeakEasy Name servers
Sprintlink General DNS
Posted by Unknown at Sunday, January 22, 2006 0 comments, as the name indicates, tells you instantly (as you type) whether the domain name is available or not.
Posted by Unknown at Sunday, January 22, 2006 0 comments
Here's a bunch of cool ideas for when my iPod runs its course.
Posted by Unknown at Sunday, January 22, 2006 0 comments
Duke University has a Web email address 'obfuscator' available to the public. Maybe it is already too late but I'm still committed to reduce the huge amount of spam I get daily.
Posted by Unknown at Friday, January 20, 2006 0 comments
All sorts of useful icons:
Posted by Unknown at Friday, January 20, 2006 0 comments
Fancy a different night out, with dinner cooked and served by future chefs spoiling you with attention?
The Vincent Rooms
Vincent Square
Thanks Kamila ;)
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, January 10, 2006 0 comments
... I should have been more specific."
From David Allen's Getting Things Done, attributed to someone named 'Lily'
Posted by Unknown at Sunday, January 08, 2006 0 comments
Want to keep the browser from displaying data you want the user to download? Try the code snapshot below on the controller:
String filename = ..............
byte[] content = ...............
String mimetype = this.getServletContext().getMimeType(filename);
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=\"" + filename +"\"");
FileCopyUtils.copy(content , response.getOutputStream());
Posted by Unknown at Saturday, January 07, 2006 0 comments
Go free, entrapped, primeval, tribal soul of my urban-self, go free! There are sounds and instruments in nature waiting to be played and listened to.
Very energetic, very creative, very funny.
My favorite bits? The broom piece, the rubber tubes section, the lighters bit, and the sinks masterpiece.
Posted by Unknown at Saturday, January 07, 2006 0 comments
I wonder what is the impact of an entry like this from a widely read and influential blogger on future sales of Dell?
Are people listening?
Is Dell listening?
Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, January 03, 2006 0 comments
Whenever I need to send large files to people or groups of people I use It is simple, intuitive, and works well. The only caveat is that files are only available to download from their servers for 1 week.
Now, thanks to the cool people at, I have been given choice:
Posted by Unknown at Monday, January 02, 2006 1 comments