Types and Programming Languages Revisited
My previous brute-force approach to list all the 4-dimension combinations of S = {(latent, manifest), (static, dynamic), (weak, strong), (nominal, structural)} typing -by filtering the desired tuples from the powerset of S - wasn't very efficient.
It was a perfect example of The Danger of Naïveté: an inefficient algorithm that was nevertheless simple to devise and implement.
Moreover, quoting The eight rules of Dean Carney, I should have observed that "the first place to look for a solution is within the problem itself". If the problem involves 4 tuples of 2 elements each to begin with, the efficient solution is not likely to require the powerset of all 8 elements.
Thus, I figured I should give it another go.
First, for simplicity and better readability, let me replace the values of S with the character-tuples on the left hand side:
(A, B) = (latent, manifest)
(C, D) = (static, dynamic)
(E, F) = (weak, strong)
(G, H) = (nominal, structural)
S = {(A, B), (C, D), (E, F), (G, H)}
Next, I'll write down some 4-size combinations. After a short while, a pattern emerges:
The pattern becomes clear when I look at the elements like this:
X1=(A, B) x X2=(C, D) x X3=(E, F) x X4=(G, H)
This is a Cartesian product of X1 x X2 x ... x Xn, the set containing all possible combinations of one element from each set.
With this knowledge, implementing an efficient algorithm is easy. First, a method to return the Cartesian product of two sets:
# arguments must be lists, e.g.: cartesian([1, 2], [3, 4])
def cartesian(list1, list2):
result = []
for el in list1:
for item in list2:
if isinstance(el, list):
result.append(el + [item])
result.append([el] + [item])
return result
Testing the method with input X=[1, 2] x Y=[3, 4] yields:
[[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
Which looks good.
Next, a method to process the Cartesian product of any number of sets. Here's a candidate implementation:
def types_cartesian(aList):
head = aList[0]
tail = aList[1:]
for item in tail:
head = cartesian(head, item)
return head
The output of method types_cartesian(aList) given input aList=S is:
S={['static', 'dynamic'], ['weak', 'strong'], ['latent', 'manifest'], ['nominal', 'structural']}
S1 x S2 x ... Sn =
['static', 'weak', 'latent', 'nominal']
['static', 'weak', 'latent', 'structural']
['static', 'weak', 'manifest', 'nominal']
['static', 'weak', 'manifest', 'structural']
['static', 'strong', 'latent', 'nominal']
['static', 'strong', 'latent', 'structural']
['static', 'strong', 'manifest', 'nominal']
['static', 'strong', 'manifest', 'structural']
['dynamic', 'weak', 'latent', 'nominal']
['dynamic', 'weak', 'latent', 'structural']
['dynamic', 'weak', 'manifest', 'nominal']
['dynamic', 'weak', 'manifest', 'structural']
['dynamic', 'strong', 'latent', 'nominal']
['dynamic', 'strong', 'latent', 'structural']
['dynamic', 'strong', 'manifest', 'nominal']
['dynamic', 'strong', 'manifest', 'structural']
This is the same list as the one obtained earlier with the powerset approach.
The big difference is that with the powerset implementation the number of possible combinations explodes exponentially ( O(2n) ), whereas the Cartesian product is a quadratic ( O(n2) ) algorithm.
Here's the code.
Types and Programming Languages
What to know before debating type systems
Parece-me que alguém anda com tempo a mais ;)
Bom ano fofinho :D ... para que nao penses que te ignorei preferi responder-te por aqui ao invés de um sms. É mais pessoal, o pessoal não percebe um corno porque é português, e ainda te posso mandar recados subliminares, como desejar-te felicidades e que sejas feliz nesse golpe do baú de que tu foste alvo, hehehe
Nice and clear review. But I think beginners still need the basics to fully grasp what's going on her
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