Sand art
And there's more here.
There is a group of blogs that I check once daily, labelled "important" on my Bloglines blogroll. When new blogs are promoted to this "elite" group other blogs are demoted to the "Quarentine" one. (helpful taxonomy inspired by this, this, and David Allen's Getting Things Done)
Below are 5 blogs of "elite quality" that I'm really enjoying reading.
All Kinds Of Stuff
John Kricfalusi is no other than the creator of the Ren and Stimpy tv series. With these credentials he didn't need much more to convince me, but you know what, his blog is very refreshing and inundated with precious teachings.
Let The Good Times Roll
Here's how to suck up to a blogger: when I grow up I'd love to be as charismatic, inspirational, charming, and overflowing with wisdom as Guy Kawasaki.
Fred talks from the Venture Capital world in ways that I can understand.
This is how the blogosphere works: Up until Joel mentioned them, I never thought I'd be interested in reading about the aviation industry. Now I can't stop.
Epsilon-Delta: Mathematics and Computer Programming
Yes, I like mathematics and I yes, maybe I can't stay too far away from computer programming. But I'll be damned if Ted Dziuba isn't a talented writer, able to make these two "scary-for-most-people" subjects attractive.
Runners up: The Dilbert Blog, Funny Cute, Post Secret, Tom Peter's Weblog, Niniane's blog
Related posts:
2005 In Retrospect: Technology
2005 In Retrospect: Music
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I have been following Dav Yaginuma's blog, AkuAku, for a few years now. It is undeniable that he is a proper hacker and coder extraordinaire. To me, he also comes across as an inspirational, passionate, creative, dedicated, and humane individual. In this post, he introduced me to Kiva, a site where people can loan money to small business in developing countries. I like the empowering idea of a loan free of middle man, so I too have opened an account and donated.
Cheers Dav.
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Despite its evident flaws (and the fact that my feminine side is highly exacerbated by their algorithm), I really like MyHeritage.
I uploaded Sunday's pictures to find out a bit more about my friends. It turns out they have a lot to explain...
Deanna's real name is Maggie Cheung, Jia and Zhang Ziyi have never been seen together in the same place (raising suspicions they're one and the same), Peter is a Nicolas Cage clone, and Rachel and Alyson Hannigan are twins separated at birth. [Click on the images to enlarge]
Jang Nara is no one but Rachel in disguise, Willo's part-time-job-we-were-never-allowed-to-know-about is modelling as Song Hye-Kyo, and my good friend Bo goes undercover as the philosopher John Dewey.
Sadly, the system didn't pick up my face :(
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Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Dinner at my place: not enough plates, wine glasses, chairs, and cutlery (!), but still good fun. Great to see everybody and catch up with what they're doing.
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Tuesday, April 04, 2006