Tuesday, November 15

Text Editor for the Web

One of the biggest usability issues of Web-applications is the text-editing support. Forcing users (often computer illiterate) to surround their text with HTML tags to bold or italicize it cannot be any more user-unfriendly.
Today Conor, my colleague at work, pointed me to this Text Editor for
the Web: http://www.fckeditor.net/

It looks good,

and it is pretty simple to use and integrate.

[Update:] And then there were t
wo. TinyMCE also looks good, it is even easier to install and configure, and in its simplest has a smaller footprint than FCK. Thanks to Micah for the link.

[Update:] I found a few more, each with different size/functionality tradeoffs. Screenshots below (click to
visit their respective sites):

widgEditor (from the very respectable Man In Blue)

Whizzywig (don't be put off by the uglier screenshot)


Anonymous said...

Check out TinyMCE as well, in my opinion it is superior to FCK edit.. Many more options and features, but you can keep it simple if you need to.

Unknown said...

Cheers Micah! Will do, thanks for that.